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I'm enthusiastic about numerical weather predictions and atmospheric science. I received my Ph.D. degree in atmospheric science at Stony Brook University in 2016. After that, I worked as a postdoctoral scholar at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), UC San Diego. During my postdoc, I developed a data assimilation system for the regional WRF model named West-WRF operated at SIO. This system has been used for research on studying observational impact and predictability of high-impact weather and water events at the US West Coast. Since June 2019, I've been taking a new position as a staff researcher at SIO. I work on predictability and dynamics of high-impact atmospheric river events. Specifically, I used data assimilation tools to disentangle observation impacts from both traditional and new observation types and investigate the limiting factors of improved forecast skill for NWPs.


Atmospheric Data Assimilation

- Hybrid 4DEnVar and EnKF

Ensemble Forecasting

- Global ensemble forced ensemble

- EnKF cycled ensemble

Initial Condition Sensitivity Analysis

- Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis

   - to provide guidance for atmospheric reconnaissance



University of California,  San Diego

Meteorological Research Analyst (June 2019 - Present)

- Perform atmospheric data assimilation research to support NOAA atmospheric reconnaissance program

- Improve numerical weather predictions for atmospheric rivers with CW3E West-WRF


Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Postdoctoral Scholar (January 2017 - May 2019)

- Developed a hybrid 4DEnVar-based data assimilation system for CW3E West-WRF

- Identify error and uncertainty source of atmospheric rivers in regional and global models



Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, United States

M.S., Atmospheric Science, Peking University, Beijing, China


  • Programming Languages: Fortran (Advanced), Matlab (Advanced), Python (Fluent), C (Beginner)

  • Data Assimilation System: GSI (Advanced), WRFDA (Fluent), DART (Beginner)

  • Working Platform: Linux, MacOS

  • Other skills: Scientific Writing (Advanced), Weather Map Interpretation (Fluent), Statistical Data Analysis




Social Network: Google Scholar, Researchgate, LinkedIn




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